
Pork Jowl in Amoy Sauce for Spicy Eggplant (Sacue for Spicy Egg Plant Gold Label DSS Pure Black Sesame Oil) (1)

Pork Jowl in Amoy Sauce for Spicy Eggplant (魚香豬頸肉)

Amoy’s Sauce for Spicy Eggplant is inspired by the authentic flavours of Sichuan. It is made with fermented soyabeans, garlic, and chilli and canola oil- enabling a great kick of spice! There are no added preservatives and flavour enhancers.


Pork Jowl 300g, Onion 1/2 pc or 100g, Red Chili 1 pc,  Few parsley or coriander for garnish, Amoy Pure ,  Black Sesame Oil 1 tbsp


Amoy Sauce for Spicy Eggplant 1 tbsp, Amoy Gold Label Dark Soy Sauce 1/2 tsp, Sugar 1/8 tsp, Corn , Starch 1 tsp


Amoy Sauce for Spicy Eggplant 1 1/2 tbsp, Water 2 tbsp


  1. Wash pork jowl and wipe dry. Cut pork jowl into thin slanted slices. Place them in a bowl and mix with marinade for 30 minutes.
  2. Cut red chili and onion into pieces.
  3. Heat the pan. Sauté onion and red chili with Amoy Pure Black Sesame Oil. Dish up.
  4. Pan-fry pork jowl over low heat. Add seasonings. Cook until the sauce reduces and cooked through. Toss in onion and red chili. Stir well. Serve them on plate, finish with a little drizzle of Amoy Pure Black Sesame Oil and garnish with parsley.





淘大魚香茄子醬1湯匙, 淘大金標老抽1/2茶匙,  糖1/8茶匙, 粟粉1茶匙


淘大魚香茄子醬1 1/2湯匙, 水2湯匙


  1. 豬頸肉洗淨抺乾水分, 斜刀切薄片, 放碗中, 加醃料拌勻醃半小時。
  2. 紅辣椒和洋葱切件。
  3. 燒熱鑊,用淘大純黑芝麻油把洋葱及紅辣椒炒香,盛起。
  4. 下豬頸肉中慢火煎香, 加調味料炒至收汁及熟透, 再下洋葱及紅椒炒勻, 上碟後加少許淘大純黑芝麻油, 下番荽裝飾。

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